Adrian Hicks
I have been doing some work at uni and I have been asking myself the question - "What are the things that help me in my teaching? I thought about colleagues, friends, family, students, parents, technology, research, training, professional development. But they are all very generic. So I thought I would put it out there, what are the specific things that help you be a better teacher?
9/11/2010 07:50:43 pm

I think I have to find significance and purpose in what i do.... building on 'rock' and believing that because i belong to God, there is goodness in my heart and what i do will produce 'good fruit'.

As teachers, it's not like we get to always see the fruits of our work... but i think there is incredible value in being intentional and purposeful nevertheless.

My students will grow up into teenagers... young adults and maybe become parents (and therefore teachers...) themselves one day.... what will their paths be like? Will they know that are valuable and will step up into the dreams God has in his heart for them? Will they find peace in Him? Will they experience His freedom... be aware of his mercy? Will they rest in his love?

Thinking about the big picture like this helps me :)

9/11/2010 09:04:37 pm

Making time to think makes me a better teacher. Making time to talk to colleagues about what they think and what they believe about their vocation.

Taking time to get feedback from my students is probably the most significant way I improve as a teacher. John Hattie (2009) in his book Visible Learning, tells us the most significant improvements in student performance come from feedback and relationships.

The best feedback I can get is from my students, I wish I had more time to have my colleagues visit the classroom, so I can get their perspective... but with limited time, and the busyness of schools, conversations are the best I can do at the moment.

You know, Google, Interactive Whiteboard and YOUTUBE have made me a better teacher. Having technology as a tool has taught me humility and grace. The teacher has become the learner. Currently iChat, Edmodo, Apple (my iPhone, iMovie, my Mac) are ways I am becoming a better teacher for my students.

I love giving the tools over to the learner, and watching how they solve the challenges I've set. Sometimes I am not sure where we'll end up, but it is the journey that matters most. I learn other ways of doing and I learn more about the students and how they think. I just wish I had more time to teach like this, but overloaded syllabus are making me think we need to program more creatively so kids want to learn and be contributors to their world. We are each called to give our gifts to make a difference in the world.

I am a better teacher when I am in the same learning space, not moved around in different classrooms.

I am a better teacher when I am mentored and coached, and when I have the opportunity to mentor and coach.

I am a better teacher when I collect data, analyse it and plan with colleagues to improve my pedagogy.

I am a better teacher when I am supported to be a risk taker and the system gives time for Professional learning communities.

I am a better teacher when I can network, and find experts/colleagues outside of my school who are inspiring, helpful and challenge me to grow in my teaching.

I am a better teacher when I have time to read academic papers, watch TED presentations, watch youtube-about teaching and leadership. I am a better teacher for having a system that supports me to do further University study.

I am a better teacher when I pray, the stillness allows me time to listen to what matters most.

That's enough,
hope this helps Adrian,

5/18/2016 02:51:26 pm

I am a better teacher when I am in the same learning space, not moved around in different classrooms.


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